
1. 高风亮节(Gāo fēng liàng jié)(Lofty character and sterling integrity): Describing a person with noble character and unwavering integrity.
o 例句:他为官清廉,高风亮节,深受百姓爱戴。(He is honest in office, with lofty character and sterling integrity, and is deeply loved by the people.)
2. 刚正不阿(Gāng zhèng bù ē)(Upright and unyielding): Strong and upright, not catering to or being partial.
o 例句:他是一位刚正不阿的法官,从不徇私枉法。(He is an upright and unyielding judge who never bends the law for personal gain.)
3. 光明磊落(Guāng míng lěi luò)(Open and aboveboard): Describing a person's behavior as upright and honest, without any hidden or ambiguous things that cannot be told.
o 例句:他为人光明磊落,从不做亏心事。(He is open and aboveboard in his conduct and never does anything wrong.)
4. 忠心耿耿(Zhōng xīn gěng gěng)(Loyal and devoted): Describing being extremely loyal.
o 例句:他对国家忠心耿耿,为了国家的利益不惜牺牲自己的生命。(He is loyal and devoted to the country and is willing to sacrifice his life for the interests of the country.)
5. 助人为乐(Zhù rén wéi lè)(Help others for pleasure): Helping others brings happiness.
o 例句:他是一个助人为乐的人,经常帮助邻居们做一些力所能及的事情。(He is a person who helps others for pleasure and often helps his neighbors do some things within his power.)
II. 二、形容人的智慧
1. 足智多谋(Zú zhì duō móu)(Resourceful and astute): Rich in wisdom and good at planning.
o 例句:他足智多谋,是一位出色的军事家。(He is resourceful and astute and is an excellent strategist.)
2. 神机妙算(Shén jī miào suàn)(Divinely inspired strategy): Astonishing wit and ingenious strategy. Describing being good at estimating complex and changing situations and making decisions.
o 例句:诸葛亮神机妙算,帮助刘备成就了一番霸业。(Zhuge Liang's divinely inspired strategy helped Liu Bei achieve a great cause.)
3. 聪明伶俐(Cōng míng líng lì)(Clever and quick-witted): Describing a child as smart, lively, and 乖巧.
o 例句:这个小女孩聪明伶俐,十分可爱。(This little girl is clever and quick-witted and very lovely.)
4. 智勇双全(Zhì yǒng shuāng quán)(Brave and resourceful): Having both wisdom and courage.
o 例句:他智勇双全,是一位不可多得的人才。(He is brave and resourceful and is a rare talent.)
5. 博古通今(Bó gǔ tōng jīn)(Erudite and informed): Knowing a lot about ancient times and also being well-informed about modern things. Describing being rich in knowledge.
o 例句:他博古通今,是一位著名的历史学家。(He is erudite and informed and is a famous historian.)
1. 眉清目秀(Méi qīng mù xiù)(Have delicate features): Describing a person's appearance as delicate and not vulgar.
o 例句:这个小男孩眉清目秀,十分可爱。(This little boy has delicate features and is very lovely.)
2. 明眸皓齿(Míng móu hào chǐ)(Bright eyes and white teeth): Bright eyes and white teeth. Describing a woman's beauty or referring to a beautiful woman.
o 例句:她明眸皓齿,是一位美丽的女子。(She has bright eyes and white teeth and is a beautiful woman.)
3. 貌若天仙(Mào ruò tiān xiān)(As beautiful as a fairy): Looking as beautiful as a fairy. Describing a woman's extremely beautiful appearance.
o 例句:她貌若天仙,让人一见倾心。(She is as beautiful as a fairy and makes people fall in love at first sight.)
4. 风度翩翩(Fēng dù piān piān)(Elegant and refined): Having elegant and refined manners.
o 例句:他风度翩翩,是一位绅士。(He is elegant and refined and is a gentleman.)
5. 仪表堂堂(Yí biǎo táng táng)(Impressive appearance): Describing a person's upright appearance.
o 例句:他仪表堂堂,是一位英俊的男子。(He has an impressive appearance and is a handsome man.)
1. 情深似海(Qíng shēn sì hǎi)(Love as deep as the sea): Describing deep love that is as immeasurable as the sea.
o 例句:他们夫妻二人情深似海,让人羡慕不已。(The couple's love for each other is as deep as the sea, which makes people envy.)
2. 恩重如山(ēn zhòng rú shān)(Favors as heavy as mountains): Deep gratitude that is as heavy as mountains.
o 例句:老师对我的恩情重如山,我永远不会忘记。(The teacher's kindness to me is as heavy as a mountain, and I will never forget it.)
3. 一见钟情(Yī jiàn zhōng qíng)(Love at first sight): Referring to falling in love at first sight between a man and a woman.
o 例句:他们一见钟情,很快就陷入了热恋之中。(They fell in love at first sight and soon fell in love.)
4. 依依不舍(Yī yī bù shě)(Reluctant to part): Describing being reluctant to leave.
o 例句:他要去外地工作了,家人对他依依不舍。(He is going to work in another place, and his family is reluctant to part with him.)
5. 喜出望外(Xǐ chū wàng wài)(Be overjoyed): Being extremely happy due to unexpected good news.
o 例句:他收到了心仪大学的录取通知书,喜出望外。(He received the admission notice from his favorite university and was overjoyed.)
1. 井井有条(Jǐng jǐng yǒu tiáo)(In perfect order): Describing speaking and doing things in an orderly manner.
o 例句:他的房间整理得井井有条,让人感觉很舒适。(His room is arranged in perfect order, making people feel very comfortable.)
2. 美轮美奂(Měi lún měi huàn)(Magnificent and splendid): Describing buildings as tall and gorgeous.
o 例句:这座宫殿美轮美奂,让人惊叹不已。(This palace is magnificent and splendid, which makes people marvel.)
3. 金碧辉煌(Jīn bì huī huáng)(Resplendent and magnificent): Describing buildings as decorated luxuriously and dazzlingly.
o 例句:这座寺庙金碧辉煌,十分壮观。(This temple is resplendent and magnificent and very spectacular.)
4. 琳琅满目(Lín láng mǎn mù)(A feast for the eyes): Full of precious things. Describing many beautiful things.
o 例句:商店里的商品琳琅满目,让人眼花缭乱。(The commodities in the store are a feast for the eyes and make people dazzled.)
5. 生机勃勃(Shēng jī bó bó)(Full of vitality): Describing nature as full of vitality or social life as active.
o 例句:春天来了,大地一片生机勃勃的景象。(Spring is coming, and the earth is full of vitality.)
1. 日新月异(Rì xīn yuè yì)(Change with each passing day): Changing every day and every month. Referring to rapid development or progress and the continuous emergence of new things and new phenomena.
o 例句:随着科技的发展,我们的生活日新月异。(With the development of science and technology, our life is changing with each passing day.)
2. 翻天覆地(Fān tiān fù dì)(Earth-shaking): Describing huge and thorough changes.
o 例句:改革开放以来,中国发生了翻天覆地的变化。(Since the reform and opening up, China has undergone earth-shaking changes.)
3. 瞬息万变(Shùn xī wàn biàn)(Change rapidly): There are many changes in a very short time. Describing very fast and numerous changes.
o 例句:现代社会瞬息万变,我们必须不断学习才能跟上时代的步伐。(Modern society is changing rapidly. We must keep learning to keep up with the pace of the times.)
4. 变幻莫测(Biàn huàn mò cè)(Change unpredictably): Changing a lot and being unpredictable.
o 例句:天气变幻莫测,一会儿晴天,一会儿下雨。(The weather is changeable and unpredictable. Sometimes it is sunny and sometimes it rains.)
5. 千变万化(Qiān biàn wàn huà)(Vary in thousands of ways): Describing extremely many changes.
o 例句:天上的云千变万化,一会儿像骏马,一会儿像绵羊。(The clouds in the sky vary in thousands of ways. Sometimes they are like horses and sometimes they are like sheep.)
1. 孜孜不倦(Zī zī bù juàn)(Diligent and unremitting): Referring to being diligent in work or study without getting tired.
o 例句:他孜孜不倦地学习,终于考上了理想的大学。(He studied diligently and unremittingly and finally was admitted to his ideal university.)
2. 废寝忘食(Fèi qǐn wàng shí)(Forget food and sleep): So absorbed in something that one forgets to sleep and eat. Describing being dedicated.
o 例句:他为了完成这个项目,废寝忘食地工作。(He worked forgetting food and sleep in order to complete this project.)
3. 锲而不舍(Qiè ér bù shě)(Persevere): Continuously carving. Metaphor for being persistent.
o 例句:他锲而不舍地追求自己的梦想,最终实现了人生的价值。(He persevered in pursuing his dream and finally realized the value of life.)
4. 精益求精(Jīng yì qiú jīng)(Strive for perfection): Always seeking better.
o 例句:他对自己的工作要求很高,总是精益求精。(He has very high requirements for his work and always strives for perfection.)
5. 奋发图强(Fèn fā tú qiáng)(Strive to be strong): Energize oneself and strive for strength.
o 例句:中国人民奋发图强,努力建设自己的国家。(The Chinese people strive to be strong and work hard to build their own country.)
1. 山清水秀(Shān qīng shuǐ xiù)(Beautiful mountains and clear waters): Describing beautiful scenery.
o 例句:这里山清水秀,是一个旅游的好地方。(Here are beautiful mountains and clear waters. It is a good place for tourism.)
2. 鸟语花香(Niǎo yǔ huā xiāng)(Birds sing and flowers give forth fragrance): Describing the beautiful scene of spring.
o 例句:春天来了,公园里鸟语花香,让人心情愉悦。(Spring is coming. The park is full of birds singing and flowers giving forth fragrance, which makes people feel happy.)
3. 湖光山色(Hú guāng shān sè)(Landscape of lakes and mountains): The scenery of lakes and mountains. Referring to beautiful scenery with water and mountains.
o 例句:西湖的湖光山色美不胜收,吸引了无数游客。(The landscape of West Lake is extremely beautiful and attracts countless tourists.)
4. 繁花似锦(Fán huā sì jǐn)(Flourishing flowers like brocade): Many colorful flowers, like rich and colorful brocade. Describing beautiful scenery and beautiful things.
o 例句:春天的花园繁花似锦,让人陶醉其中。(The garden in spring is full of flourishing flowers like brocade, which makes people intoxicated.)
5. 绿草如茵(Lǜ cǎo rú yīn)(Green grass like a carpet): Green grass is like a carpet on the ground. Often referring to grassland where people can rest temporarily.
o 例句:公园里绿草如茵,是人们休闲娱乐的好去处。(The park is covered with green grass like a carpet and is a good place for people to relax and have fun.)